Roses are red, violets are blue...



  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    So is vermouth
    I hope, for my sake
    You speak the truth.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Water is blue
    Should I presume
    "Nenya" is too?
  • mousethiefmousethief Shipmate
    Red is the rose
    White is the daisy
    Wearing a cast
    Makes your leg itch like crazy!
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    edited May 2019
    Roses are red
    After coming to grief,
    Getting de-plastered
    Ah! What a relief.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    edited May 2019
    Roses are red
    Your poems are cute.
    Thanks be to God
    My cast is a boot!
  • Roses are red
    lilies are cute
    Casts are not comfy
    nor technically boots

  • PigwidgeonPigwidgeon Shipmate
    Roses are red
    As many of you say.
    My boot is like yours,
    Only mine is grey.

    (I broke my foot last Sunday.)
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    They last and last.
    In four more sleeps
    I'll lose this cast.

    For Pigwidgeon:
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    FTD delivers
    I hope to you.

  • edited May 2019
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue.
    Twesa is terrible
    Boris too.
  • mousethiefmousethief Shipmate
    "Christmas is here"
    She told her young chap
    "In four more sleeps."
    He took a nap.
  • Christmas in May
    is better than Twesa
    I've heard of your Boris
    Who's equally awful
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Alas! Poor Pigwidgeon!
    Who must wear a boot,
    By bad luck (a smidgin)
    She's broken her foot.

    (Hope you're mended v. soon, btw)
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Sleeps? Down to three
    Much easier now
    Can't wait to be free!
  • PigwidgeonPigwidgeon Shipmate
    Rose are red;
    My foot is bright blue.
    Piglet wrote me a poem.
    My hat's off to you!
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Lily Pad wrote: »
    Roses are red
    Sleeps? Down to three
    Much easier now
    Can't wait to be free!

    Roses on trellises
    Don't grow by chance.
    You'll soon be able
    To do a tap dance.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Roses are red
    Your cast's near its limit
    Next time you drink GIN,
    Put more tonic in it!


  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are blowing
    It's rainy and cool.
    Off to the ortho
    Will take my right shoe!

  • PigwidgeonPigwidgeon Shipmate
    Lily Pad wrote: »
    Roses are blowing
    It's rainy and cool.
    Off to the ortho
    Will take my right shoe!

    Roses are red;
    In gardens they grow.
    I hope your boot's off;
    I've two weeks to go.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I finally get
    To wear two shoes.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Roses are red
    Lilies are white
    Lily's cast has come off
    O! what a delight!

    PS - glad to hear it - take care!
  • mousethiefmousethief Shipmate
    Roses are red
    As are some carnations
    So glad for you Lily:
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Such a relief
    Now physioo.
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Roses are red,
    Some win prizes.
    Make sure you do
    Your exercises.
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Roses you'll give me
    Violets I'll borrow,
    I'm cheesed off because
    It's a work day tomorrow.
  • Roses are red
    if they are in reach
    The word for Trump
    this week is impeach.
  • jrwjrw Shipmate
    Violets are blue
    Roses are red
    But I can't eat flowers
    so I'll have a loaf of bread.
  • Roses aren't bleeding
    Though they are red
    Here's a chap hoping
    that a ding-dong drops dead
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Roses are red,
    Cabbages green.
    I don't understand
    What you mean.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    So wild and free.
    Nenya, I must say,
    With you, I agree.
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Roses in gardens
    Violets in lanes,
    They all thrive
    In the UK rain.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Lilacs are white
    And purple too
    Mine are so nice
    They're open and new!
  • Roses aren't happy
    when there isn't no rain
    but gloriously last night
    yes, it finally came!

    (we've had drought conditions this spring)
  • CathscatsCathscats Shipmate
    Roses are red
    But sadly this Spring
    The bush seems to have died
    A tragical thing.

    (Maybe I over-pruned, but it was a pretty old bush with bits dying off each year.)
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Red is the rose
    Green is the leek,
    I'm glad that I'm
    On leave this week.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Red is the rose
    And white the carnation
    I've just been singing
    At an ordination
    (I've wanted to do that all along)
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Red is the rose
    Blue is the wave
    I've just googled
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    As to google
    I used it too!
  • jrwjrw Shipmate
    Lettuce is green
    The gardener is blue
    The slugs have been greedy
    They're on this thread too.
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Red is the rose
    Green is the bug
    Who might you
    Be calling a slug?
  • Rose leaves are green,
    Ladybirds red,
    Little green bugs
    Keep my young fed.
  • jrwjrw Shipmate
    Lettuce be thankful
    Just to be clear
    I wasn't referring
    to anyone here.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red.
    We've no slugs here.
    No snakes either.
    Not even deer.
  • Roses are red
    cougars are scary
    one was just sighted
    north of the city

    (cougar and mountain lion are the same animal, they eat pet dogs and cats sometimes)
  • jrwjrw Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    With slugs, bugs and cougars
    this ship's now a zoo.
  • Lily PadLily Pad Shipmate
    Roses are red
    Let's have a lark
    Be like Noah
    And build an ark.
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Let's bring in the animals
    Two by two.
  • Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    If Noah were a botanist
    He'd have a conservatory, not a zoo
  • Roses are red
    Noah's quite angry
    the lamas and goats
    are planning an orgy
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    mousethief wrote: »
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    If Noah were a botanist
    He'd have a conservatory, not a zoo

    That's an intriguing
    Idea of yours, mouse -
    Instead of the ark
    A floating glasshouse!
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