Ship of Fools: Christ the King, Houston, Texas, USA
The Mystery Worshipper
Ship of Fools: Christ the King, Houston, Texas, USA
Music beautifully done – a good place to worship
Read the full Mystery Worshipper report here
Watching the video on YouTube, it looked as though at some point everyone was in the choir! It wasn't clear if there was a congregation present at all, apart from those seen on screen.
However, there was plenty of correct social distancing, and face-masks were worn by all, except when reading/preaching. Some were even singing whilst masked, something that might be permissible here in England soon.
@Gee D - the service is available on YouTube for some days at least, but I take it you prefer to watch 'live', IYSWIM?
The film is of reasonable quality, and the fact that the liturgy etc. is displayed on the right hand side of the screen is a very useful feature.