Ship of Fools: Christ the King, Houston, Texas, USA

imageShip of Fools: Christ the King, Houston, Texas, USA

Music beautifully done – a good place to worship

Read the full Mystery Worshipper report here


  • Gee DGee D Shipmate
    Sounds well worth a visit, but 11 am Houston is 2 am Sydney/Aust Eastern Standard. From a recommendation by another Shipmate, we often worship at Old St Paul's Edinburgh, where a morning service is early evening here, but the difference with Houston makes it near impossible.
  • ChoirmasterinPAChoirmasterinPA Shipmate Posts: 1
    How many were in the choir and what safety protocols were they observing? Thanks.
  • Welcome aboard @ChoirmasterinPA !

    Watching the video on YouTube, it looked as though at some point everyone was in the choir! It wasn't clear if there was a congregation present at all, apart from those seen on screen.

    However, there was plenty of correct social distancing, and face-masks were worn by all, except when reading/preaching. Some were even singing whilst masked, something that might be permissible here in England soon.

    @Gee D - the service is available on YouTube for some days at least, but I take it you prefer to watch 'live', IYSWIM?
  • BTW, it is indeed an unusual, but attractive, interior layout!
  • Gee DGee D Shipmate
    Thanks, I'll try a search there
  • Allow me:

    The film is of reasonable quality, and the fact that the liturgy etc. is displayed on the right hand side of the screen is a very useful feature.
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