Georgeous! No idea how she managed three consecutive photos showing Louis with painty hands and a clean shirt!
I wonder if she painted his hands (the colors are too perfect for a two-year-old), let them dry, and then put a clean shirt on him. Maybe he was wearing a smock while his hands were painted (or she did it very carefully). At any rate, he's adorable.
If you call the fire brigade in a small town just up the Hudson river from New York City and tell them you have a birthday, they will collect a few requests together and send out every vehicle they own in an unbelievably noisy parade. We have a very happy 3-year old in our family! I have no idea how our daughter will deal with it next year if/when this is over.
I realized this morning that it was forty years ago today that I moved to Arizona (from New York). There have certainly been a lot of changes in my life over those forty years, but that seems very Biblical. (With Moses the plagues came before the forty years in the wilderness, with me they seem to be coming at the conclusion!)
Yesterday was the first anniversary of the death of my friend Mike. I was thinking intently about something else, when the perfect image for a poem about him came to mind. Thanks, Mike. For that and everything else.
David was very tickled when he discovered that the date we'd set happened to be Cranmer's birthday - as we were married according to the Prayer Book, we hoped he would approve!
Today was Mr S's 70th birthday, which we celebrated with
1) a walk down at the docks (classy, huh?) because it was the cleaner's day to do Chateau S
2) tea at Miss S and SiL's, with two Intrepid Grandsons, cherry bakewell cake, scones with jam and cream and
3) Korean tacos, everyone's favourite dinner!
It should also have been his mother's birthday; she would have been 93!
Well, you take a flatbread and line the top half with cooked rice. Then you add kimchi, chicken or beef cooked in bulgogi sauce (sticky and spicy), sour cream, avocado, and the crowning glory - chipotle sriracha, which is a tomato sauce flavoured with that wonderful smoky chilli. Fold into a suitable shape and wolf down. Apparently they were devised by Korean immigrants to LA as street food - if you see the episode of the Simpsons where Carl and Lenny have a van to go tornado hunting in, its original purpose was to sell Korean tacos!
We buy kits from the Spicery though I'm sure other purveyors of delicious spices are available.
It's been a week for notable days as we FINALLY completed on the sale of the Dowager's house yesterday. It had been in the family for 52 years, ever since it was built, so I hope the purchasers enjoy it as much as they expect to!
Today would have been my Dad's birthday. His death was a few years ago now, and usually his birthday passes and I'm completely unaware of it, but for some reason this year has been different. I miss him.
Today would have been my Dad's birthday. His death was a few years ago now, and usually his birthday passes and I'm completely unaware of it, but for some reason this year has been different. I miss him.
Happy Birthday Ma'am!
And also, a Happy St. George's Day to English Shipmates!
(Prince Louis picked an awesome day to be born.)
I wonder if she painted his hands (the colors are too perfect for a two-year-old), let them dry, and then put a clean shirt on him. Maybe he was wearing a smock while his hands were painted (or she did it very carefully). At any rate, he's adorable.
In happier news, it would also be Thomas Cranmer's 531st birthday - I hope D's buying him a pint in Heaven.
Also, (((Cranmer)))
David was very tickled when he discovered that the date we'd set happened to be Cranmer's birthday - as we were married according to the Prayer Book, we hoped he would approve!
1) a walk down at the docks (classy, huh?) because it was the cleaner's day to do Chateau S
2) tea at Miss S and SiL's, with two Intrepid Grandsons, cherry bakewell cake, scones with jam and cream and
3) Korean tacos, everyone's favourite dinner!
It should also have been his mother's birthday; she would have been 93!
Many happy returns, Mr S xx
I have to ask -- What is a Korean taco?
We buy kits from the Spicery though I'm sure other purveyors of delicious spices are available.
It's been a week for notable days as we FINALLY completed on the sale of the Dowager's house yesterday. It had been in the family for 52 years, ever since it was built, so I hope the purchasers enjoy it as much as they expect to!
Mrs. S, as rejoicing as a newt
Thanks so much, @TheOrganist, @Foaming Draught and @Cathscats - I was just coming here to post my own "in memoriam".