Dragonlet 3 arrived last night at 11:27. She weighed 8lb 11 oz
Apparently I was about 9lbs at birth, causing my mother to remark with considerable feeling many years later, when I said 'When I was small - ' 'You were never small!'
We marked hallowe’en by eating mashed potatoes and treacle scones, which was the food of childhood hallowe’en parities. These were held in the garage, with car and bikes removed, which could be lit with neepy lanterns and was a good place to dook for apples and hang treacle scones. At the parties the mashed tattles had sixpences hidden in them.
I see from social media that my daughter marked it by dressing her flatmates and herself up in her old hallowe’en costumes from High School parties and going to the supermarket to get their weekly shop!
In my corner we can still gather at memorials, (with distancing). I am three down and one to go. I usually moan about this, but this year it is a privilege, and I am making the point that we are in a sense doing it on behalf of all those who may not.
He’s a much happier Giraffe than this time last year, when he was stressing about going to S. Africa, and getting his visa on time (which he didn’t but he did love SA when he got there). Last birthday he didn’t have enough to to do. Today he is writing an essay, attending a virtual lecture and unsure if he has time to meet (outdoors) his best friend this evening. And much more cheerful!
250 years ago today (probably) Ludwig van Beethoven was born. All sorts of celebrations had been planned this year, most of which have, of course, had to be cancelled or drastically changed.
I remember 50 years ago when I was at the height of my Beethoven idolatry. December 16th was a major feast day for me.
I'm with you, Pigwidgeon!
Fifty years ago, my picture was taken for the yearbook and captioned "Happy birthday, Beethoven" when he was a mere 200 years old. I was playing the school organ in the picture. It would have been better on the piano, but I understand Ludwig did play church organ, so I guess it was OK!
One of the nice things for me about being confined to home so, so much more than I have been accustomed to, has been the huge amount of Radio 3 I've listened to much more intentionally rather than just being on in the background as I've worked, and especially the anniversary Beethoven programmes and music.
There was a Google Doodle quiz for Beethoven's 245th which I enjoyed with my students! Several of them appreciated the cleverness of it, even if they were less interested in the music... but they quite surprised themselves how much they actually knew.
I'm off to play all the Beethoven in my piano repertoire, so that's today's time when I'm not in a virtual classroom sorted. Then send a message to my 2 piano students to do the same. Well, to practise the pieces by Beethoven they are each learning right now.
Her big brother and sister are very excited about her arrival, especially No. 2 who wants to cuddle her all the time!
Welcome to the world, Dragonlet 3
Apparently I was about 9lbs at birth, causing my mother to remark with considerable feeling many years later, when I said 'When I was small - ' 'You were never small!'
May she have a happy life and a lucky one.
I am NOT posting a picture...
We had a Zoom curry night on Saturday with 4 friends from Back Where We Used to Live - two of whom will celebrate their 35th anniversary today
I see from social media that my daughter marked it by dressing her flatmates and herself up in her old hallowe’en costumes from High School parties and going to the supermarket to get their weekly shop!
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.🕯
And (in this corner of the kingdom anyway), as is traditional, it's dull, grey and wet.
And happy last year of his teens to the Giraffe who got to South Africa. I hope (when it is safer) that he comes back here again.
Oh, he would love to! As would his sister who was there a couple of years before him.
And happy birthday to me. It's a quiet one. But at least me and mine are well.
I remember 50 years ago when I was at the height of my Beethoven idolatry. December 16th was a major feast day for me.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag*, Ludwig!
(*All the best on your birthday.)
Fifty years ago, my picture was taken for the yearbook and captioned "Happy birthday, Beethoven" when he was a mere 200 years old. I was playing the school organ in the picture. It would have been better on the piano, but I understand Ludwig did play church organ, so I guess it was OK!
Time does fly!
One of the nice things for me about being confined to home so, so much more than I have been accustomed to, has been the huge amount of Radio 3 I've listened to much more intentionally rather than just being on in the background as I've worked, and especially the anniversary Beethoven programmes and music.
There was a Google Doodle quiz for Beethoven's 245th which I enjoyed with my students! Several of them appreciated the cleverness of it, even if they were less interested in the music... but they quite surprised themselves how much they actually knew.
I'm off to play all the Beethoven in my piano repertoire, so that's today's time when I'm not in a virtual classroom sorted. Then send a message to my 2 piano students to do the same. Well, to practise the pieces by Beethoven they are each learning right now.