Birthdays and other anniversaries and significant dates



  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    I hadn't noticed the date on your post, Moo - my dad would have been 99 on the 6th, so nine years older than you. :heart:
  • MaryLouiseMaryLouise Shipmate, Host Emeritus
    Happy birthday, @Moo!
  • Tree BeeTree Bee Shipmate
    Happy birthday @Moo !
  • Tomorrow is the 26th anniversary of meeting my beloved Daddy Vern. ❤️
  • Today is the birthday of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople - 84 years (and 21 birthdays).
  • North East QuineNorth East Quine Purgatory Host
    edited March 1
    Yesterday was the anniversary of my grandmother's death. Oddly she believed that as my father was born on a palindromic date, he would also die on a palindromic date. He didn't, but she did - 29-2-92.
  • Today is Cheery Husband's birthday. Not really a celebration tonight as Cheery daughter has to be in bed by 8pm due to shift work. We will have a proper birthday dinner at the weekend when we can all be together.

    I realised a few days ago that this is our 40th year of being together and he is still one of the kindest people I've met in all my life. So glad he puts up with me!
  • MaryLouiseMaryLouise Shipmate, Host Emeritus
    Happy birthday to Cheery Husband!
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Happy birthday indeed! :)
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Farcebark has told me that today would have been Welease Woderwick's birthday (nobody seems to have closed his FB account).

    Happy birthday in Heaven, Wodders! ❤️
  • That's lovely @Piglet. When I was lurking, I always appreciated WW's contribution.
  • jedijudyjedijudy Heaven Host
    Wodders, we really miss you! <3
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Don't we just? 😥
  • Piglet wrote: »
    Don't we just? 😥

  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Happy birthday in Heaven to David's dad, who had a season ticket at Portman Road and will be very pleased indeed that Ipswich stuffed Sheffield Wednesday 6-0 today.

    Up the Tractor Boys! :smiley:
  • NicoleMRNicoleMR Shipmate
    It's after midnight here in New York, and therefore it is my birthday. I'm 62!
  • MaryLouiseMaryLouise Shipmate, Host Emeritus
    Happy birthday in the City that Never Sleeps, @NicoleMR!
  • North East QuineNorth East Quine Purgatory Host
    Happy Birthday, NicoleMR!
  • SarasaSarasa All Saints Host
    Happy Birthday @NicoleMR ! Enjoy yourself today.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Many happy returns, Nicole - you've caught up with me again! :)

    You were born on my parents' wedding anniversary, which I hope they're celebrating in Heaven. :heart:
  • Happy birthday!
  • Tree BeeTree Bee Shipmate
    Happy birthday @NicoleMR
  • Late birthday wishes to you @NicoleMR. I hope you had a good day
  • NicoleMRNicoleMR Shipmate
    Thank you everyone, I've had a low key but fun day.
  • Today is our 42nd wedding anniversary.

    Friday will be my wife's 21st birthday (again).
  • HuiaHuia Shipmate
    @NicoleMR Glad you enjoyed yourself.

    @Baptist Trainfan birthdays get to be more fun when they're repeated :wink:

    My cousin's Nana stuck to steadfastly the same age for years until her Grand- daughter worked out that Nana must have given birth when she was 6. Nana was not amused when my cousin pointed this out.
  • North East QuineNorth East Quine Purgatory Host
    My grandmother was two years older than my grandfather, but routinely knocked three years off. This worked out well enough until she reached retirement age and had to pretend that she was retiring early on health grounds. As she appeared to be in robust good health (still cycling to work), this led to some unpleasant speculation as to the nature of her "health grounds."

    Nevertheless she stuck to her preferred age until she reached 80 IRL. She was very proud of being 80, and her "official age" went seamlessly from "mid 70s" to "80."
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    There was a lady in the Cathedral congregation in St John's who was absolutely paranoid about people knowing her age; she said that even her husband didn't know when her birthday was.

    We had a rough idea; we knew she'd been to university with another lady whose age we did know, but we found out for certain when one of the girls in the choir realised that the lady came from one of the little islands off the Newfoundland coast, and also happened to have a rather unusual maiden name. So she headed to the census records, and lo and behold ... :mrgreen:

    It caused much mirth down the pub after choir practice at the time, but none of us ever told her that we knew - we wouldn't have wanted to upset her.
  • I never used to be concerned about my age, but this year I outlived my father, and it really bothered me. The result of this is that when I go to the gym and am asked for my age by the stationary bike so it can calculate statistics, I lie about my age to the machine. I haven't told this to anyone else.
  • Nick TamenNick Tamen Shipmate
    Huia wrote: »
    My cousin's Nana stuck to steadfastly the same age for years until her Grand- daughter worked out that Nana must have given birth when she was 6. Nana was not amused when my cousin pointed this out.
    My grandmother was two years older than my grandfather, but routinely knocked three years off. This worked out well enough until she reached retirement age and had to pretend that she was retiring early on health grounds. As she appeared to be in robust good health (still cycling to work), this led to some unpleasant speculation as to the nature of her "health grounds."

    Nevertheless she stuck to her preferred age until she reached 80 IRL. She was very proud of being 80, and her "official age" went seamlessly from "mid 70s" to "80."
    Piglet wrote: »
    There was a lady in the Cathedral congregation in St John's who was absolutely paranoid about people knowing her age; she said that even her husband didn't know when her birthday was.
    I am reminded of Lady Bracknell: “Thirty-five is a very attractive age. London society is full of women of the very highest birth who have, of their own free choice, remained thirty-five for years. Lady Dumbleton is an instance in point. To my own knowledge she has been thirty-five ever since she arrived at the age of forty, which was many years ago now.”

  • I hear you @Stercus Tauri. My Dad's father died young 3 months before I was born. Dad spent his adult life making preparations for Mum to have appropriate financial support were he to follow his Dad. He must have had genes from the other side of the family as he outlived her. However, the preparations he made meant they were ok in retirement.

    I also have a girlfriend whose Dad passed away when she was a young adult, he was the first of our cohort's parents to die, she has always had a thing about age as a result. I have always thought that any birthday was cause for celebration, but I don't have the concerns that she has had to carry.

    Thinking of you ...

    In brighter news, husband's nephew had a birthday yesterday. I've never asked him, but wondered what it was like being born on April Fools Day, whether it's a right royal pain or not. I still remember him as a gorgeous toddler at my kitchen tea, saying "fantastic" about every gift as I opened it. Lovely boys, all of them
  • NenyaNenya All Saints Host, Ecclesiantics & MW Host
    Piglet wrote: »
    There was a lady in the Cathedral congregation in St John's who was absolutely paranoid about people knowing her age; she said that even her husband didn't know when her birthday was.

    We had a rough idea; we knew she'd been to university with another lady whose age we did know, but we found out for certain when one of the girls in the choir realised that the lady came from one of the little islands off the Newfoundland coast, and also happened to have a rather unusual maiden name. So she headed to the census records, and lo and behold ... :mrgreen:

    It caused much mirth down the pub after choir practice at the time, but none of us ever told her that we knew - we wouldn't have wanted to upset her.

    My brother (RIP)'s partner (also RIP) always kept her age a secret; we knew she was older than he was but never knew by how much, until one day she showed me some family research her sister had done, on which her date of birth featured. Turned out she was born the same year as an aunt of mine.

    I didn't let on that I had noticed but towards the end of her life (despite their 15 year age difference, my brother predeceased her) she did admit her age to me.

    I have now passed the age that said brother was when he died and when I reached the birthday that he never saw it felt like quite a milestone.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    I passed the age at which my brother-in-law died six years ago; next year I'll turn the age David was when he died, which I'm expecting will be rather hard. :heartbreak:
  • HuiaHuia Shipmate
    Grandad's birthday was April Fool's Day. I was never brave enough to ask him how it felt having a birthday then.

    In two year's time I will be the age my mum died. I went to the lawyer to make my will last week.
  • ChastMastrChastMastr Shipmate
    Cubby's (QuakerCub here on the Ship) birthday was March 30; he would have been 65. Miss you, sweetheart.
  • SarasaSarasa All Saints Host
    Thinking of Cubby on his birthday.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Happy birthday in Heaven, Cubby - sending virtual hugs to CM.
  • The_RivThe_Riv Shipmate
    This Past Palm/Passion Sunday was my 8th anniversary in my current post as Parish musician. Essentially the same Choir, but on our 2nd priest, 2nd pew Missal, and fourth Mass setting. The funny part is that eight years ago I was merely the music teacher at the local Catholic elementary school who agreed to step in until they found a suitable replacement. :lol:
  • Nick TamenNick Tamen Shipmate
    Congrats on the anniversary, @The_Riv, and isn’t that just how it goes. (We had an interim organist/choir director stay for 26 years. :lol: )

    I’ve been wondering—how has the switch to the new missalette with new music gone?

  • geroffgeroff Shipmate Posts: 30
    It's our 27th wedding anniversary today - amazing.
  • PigletPiglet All Saints Host, Circus Host
    Congratulations! :)
  • HuiaHuia Shipmate
    YaY, sounds like a good reason for celebration @geroff
  • jedijudyjedijudy Heaven Host
    Congratulations to @geroffs!
  • North East QuineNorth East Quine Purgatory Host
  • SarasaSarasa All Saints Host
    Congratulations @geroff
  • NicoleMRNicoleMR Shipmate
    Happy May Day! Workers of the world, unite!
  • Disappointed that I missed Lost Sock Memorial Day on 9th May, I could even have sent a card had I known. Next year, eh?
  • NicoleMRNicoleMR Shipmate
    Happy (American) Mother's Day to all the motherly (however you interpret that) type people on the ship!
  • ChastMastrChastMastr Shipmate
    edited May 19
    My beloved Daddy Vern’s (1938-1999) birthday is May 21. Prayers for the repose of his soul welcome. He and Cubby (1959-2021) (Cubby’s and my 25th anniversary was May 10) were both diabetic, and as I am now as well, I’m hoping to make a sugar-free cake, both in his honor and because I think he would want (or, technically, I believe he wants, and Cubby too) me to take care of myself, and learning to make sugar-free/low-sugar stuff is something I need to do.
  • North East QuineNorth East Quine Purgatory Host
    I am 60 today. How did that happen?
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